X-ZELL Cryoimmunostaining™ World Premiere

Singapore, February 2019 – Rare cell detection specialist X-ZELL is proud to announce the world premiere of the world’s first 8-channel multiplexing technology, Cryoimmunostaining™ .

Originally designed to enable the company’s headline-making research into next-generation biomarkers, the long-anticipated production version of the X-ZELL Cryoimmunostaining™ Suite can now be seen at the Suntec Convention Centre in Singapore as part of MEDLAB Asia 2019, to be held from 26-18 March.

“I’m very proud of the team for delivering on this milestone project,” commented X-ZELL CEO, Dr Sebastian Bhakdi.

“We’re incredibly excited to see how our new technology will impact the way we diagnose disease in modern pathology.”

Comprised of two high-performance devices, the Cryofixator™ and the Cryostainer™, the system allows researchers to apply up to eight biomarkers* at a time to cells fixated on standard laboratory slides – making it one of the most powerful cytology tools in the world.

“We have had tremendous success using Cryoimmunostaining™ as part of our own research over the past two years,” said Dr Bhakdi – explaining the unique technology serves as the gateway to next generation, 8-colour fluorescence microscopy, a breakthrough technique he invented in 2018 in collaboration with Mahidol University in Bangkok.

“Cryoimmunostaining™ has not only enabled us to detect a new type of circulating cell that had previously been considered undetectable in clinical routine, but also allowed us to develop liquid biopsies that can reliable detect clinically significant prostate cancer at the earliest stages.

“We believe now is the time to make next-generation single-cell immunofluorescence cytology accessible to researchers worldwide.”

More more information on the system, click here.


Media Contact:

Sebastian Grote
Head of Marketing & Communications
+66 6 2197 8788


Next-generation cytology

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