Next generation Cryoimmunostaining™ coming

Singapore, June 2020 – 18 months after premiering at the 2019 Medlab Asia exhibition in Singapore, X-ZELL’s game-changing Cryoimmunostaining™ Suite, comprised of the Cryofixator™ and Cryostainer™, is about to receive a facelift. 

According to X-ZELL’s Head of Medical Devices, Bart Van der Voort, the next generation of the revolutionary multiplexing system will come with a more refined look, new controls and an updated cooling system under the brand’s signature red hood.

“When we first unveiled Cryoimmunostaining™ at the beginning of 2019, we didn’t know what to expect,” Van der Voort commented on the upgrade.

“In an industry dominated by traditional IHC staining and flow cytometry, we stepped onto the scene with a smart alternative promising the best of both worlds – we called it slide-based cytometry.

“We knew it had a lot of potential – given that we use it in our research centre on a daily basis – but nobody anticipated it to create such a buzz.”

Since the system’s first outing in Singapore, Van der Voort said Cryoimmunostaining™ has garnered interest from around the globe, with a special focus on haematology and leukaemia research.

“The option to simultaneously apply up to eight fluorophores to a sample without compromising on cell integrity has opened up a new world of research and routine diagnostic applications,” he explained – pointing out that uptake has been particularly strong in central Europe.

“It’s the perfect tool to ask complex research questions without wasting valuable sample material, so it’s caught attention among a very broad audience – which in turn helped us make subtle improvements over the past two years that will increase both user-friendliness and performance.”

According to Van der Voort, routine laboratories are now also starting to recognise the potential of the new system, which operates at sub-zero temperatures to safeguard the sample and has been pre-validated for wide array of standard fluorophores.

“More and more routine laboratories are realising that they can save both time and money by consolidating panels on the Cryoimmunostaining™ system,” he said. “Many of them can self-certify these kind of applications as laboratory-developed tests (LDT) and instantly reap the reward – so there’s a lot of untapped potential for our system in that space.”

The facelift is part of a planned upgrade cycle, he added, and will replace the current generation from August 2020. 

Media Contact:
Sebastian Grote
Head of Strategy, Marketing & Communications


About the X-ZELL Cryoimmunostaining™ Suite
Originally designed to enable X-ZELL’s own research into next-generation biomarkers, the Cryoimmunostaining™ Suite was spun off the company’s platform technology in March 2019 and has since been available as a standalone product. Comprised of two patented devices, it permits researchers to stain suspended cells and cryosections with up to nine fluorophores at a time, compared to an industry average of three, which typically have to be applied in sequence. Available for Research Use Only (RUO), the system is currently validated for 18 off-the-shelf fluorophores and their spectral equivalents, making for a vast spectrum of possible applications*. The result is the world’s only multiplexed immunostaining system providing a genuine ‘plug & play’ solution – allowing researchers to solely focus on science instead of optimising the underlying hardware for each new application. Note: Unless specifically indicated, all X-ZELL products and services are for Research Use Only and not for therapeutic or diagnostic use

*compatible with suspended cells and cryosections, FFPE version under development. Currently validated for 18 fluorophores and their spectral equivalents, incl. DAPI, BV421, Pacific Blue, Pacific Orange, BV480, PerCp, AF488, PE, PE-Cy5, PE-Cy7, Propidium Iodide, AF594, DRAQ5, AF647, AF750, AF790, AF800, DIR.  . 

Next-generation cytology

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